✨Hey Rockstar! I'm Marcie, The Fitness Baker✨

It's so nice to meet you!

I developed Fitness Baker coaching to help YOU find a joyful path to good health that's also fun. 

Everything deserves a touch of sparkle ✨

Why did I start Fitness Baker?

Good health is not measured by your dress size. 

Being a physical therapist has allowed me to have a greater understanding of the human body, its systems and its function and it does not survive with only weight management - the calories you eat, or the calories you burn.  It is about taking care of yourself, respecting and loving your body AND soul, and the beautiful journey that is life with all you love and its experiences along the way.

I developed the FitnessBaker community to bring back a level of responsibility, through education, dedication, and joy, in all the areas that I find critical for reaching a level of good health. You don’t need to deprive yourself for good health. You CAN have your cake and eat it too – you just have to learn how.

More Gains, No Pain

As a PT, it is not just about “doing” your exercises. It is about doing the right exercises the correct way. Form and foundation are the keys to get the most out of your exercise program and boost the benefits in your fitness as well as decrease risk of injury or exacerbation of any pre-existing condition.  The worst thing you can do is nothing. Learn the right exercises and you will gain far beyond your expectations.

Healthy AND Indulgent

I was raised on homemade food and traditional recipes. The treats we make at home are not the biggest culprits, it’s the pre-packaged, processed ones that expand your waistline and invite preservatives and toxins into your system. Eating healthy does NOT mean starving yourself - it's about finding the foods that fuel your body and your soul.

Faith Based Positivity

In addition to my physical exercise and my mindset practices, I have cultivated my practice with faith. It has strengthened my approach in teaching the mind, body and spiritual connection that brings your fitness journey to new heights. Faith lifts you when you feel that nothing else and will show you how to look at the big picture vs just the snapshot.

It all started when...

People assumed I starved myself and worked out 24 hours a day to be the size I was. Even though I was consistent with exercise, even since graduating high school where I was a 3 sport athlete. I found ways to keep the athleticism in my life running by training for road races to become a certified PiYO instructor.

No one could imagine I was eating nachos on Sunday while watching the Patriots game, or that I could possibly be as positive a person to all I encountered.  The generalization seemed to be that being “healthy” could not include those things or that a positive attitude didn’t have any impact on health. In fact, the idea of health was not really the goal. I could see that the effort to lose weight was the driving force to many of those I was coaching as a Team Beachbody coach. Frustration, Deprivation, Injury and, ultimately, giving up because the scale did not offer justification of all of effort.  The number on the scale told the story whether there was success or failure - and it drove me crazy. 


So, although I loved (and still love) the Beachbody programs and all it offers, I set out to devise a more comprehensive approach to exercise.

  • Form over intensity
  • Joy over obligation
  • Eating responsibly over complete deprivation
  • Homemade bread, traditional hand written recipes that crossed that span of generations in my family had every reason to be served on my table and still consider myself healthy. 
  • And last but not least, Mindset.

Stress can reap havoc and sabotage every physical effort you are making to improve your health. I knew I wanted to develop a practice that also keeps you looking forward, focused on yourself with no comparison, resentment or jealousy. Just satisfaction that your life is worth all your effort even when the scale does offer you that feedback. 
Release the scale judgement and focus on what really matters: You and your beautiful life. 

The proof was there...clients were already seeing great results!

"Marcie came into my life at one of my darkest moments. I was struggling with a chronic illness which affected my mental health. She believed in me when no one else did. She inspired me to push myself. I took her Piyo class and it had changed my life. I can finally go to work and not be in terrible pain anymore. Although my chronic illness is not curable she has helped me find ways to live with it. I 100% recommend marcie. She’s an angel on earth & I am endlessly thankful for her."

✨ Willow

"You changed my life!!! You made me stronger in so many ways !!! I can honestly say I am strong today because of you! You showed me I had the power to feel self confident! The power to give me to dig deep internally and run a half marathon and a full marathon, this was the foundation of inner strength that I could do it !!! That not only made me stronger, it allowed me to show my boys the power of self discipline and confidence! Loving myself! You came into my life at a pivotal time and I’m forever grateful for the gift of inner strength and power you gave me! Running a marathon makes you dig deep inside and be self resilient. I completed 12! And that started with you !!❤️❤️❤️"

✨ Wendy

"Marcie has helped me to be the best version of myself! Marcie’s PiYo class is individualized, she takes time with each person based on each persons needs. For myself it’s my flexibility & hip pain. She has taught me simple things I can do everyday right at home & has proven even 10 min a day of stretches & simple excercise will help in the long run & it has! My hip pain is a 2 today where it used to be a 10 daily pain. Marcie doesn’t just teach a class, she makes sure each person is getting what they need to succeed & always follows through with texts or emails making sure things are going well.  I’m forever thankful for Marcie and am living my best life because Marcie tells us: it’s not about what you weigh, it’s about being healthy. I no longer have the mindset of I need to loose 10 pounds, I’m now “I need to be my healthiest form of myself” and Marcie has given me the tools to live my Healthiest Best Life!"

✨ Ann

Which leads me to here!

My FitnessBaker Coaching and Community program allows for a more individualized approach that can range from 1:1 coaching program, to a helpful and inspirational newsletter to serve up new information and actionable ways to live not just a healthy life, but a joyous one!  A life not defined by the number on the scale but that celebrates the steps you take and the amazing journey that lies ahead when you take responsibility for it instead of the resentment of age that robs you of your best life.

I continue to be a practicing physical therapist and work at Choice PT in Spencer, MA, working in the outpatient setting to treat injuries and help others move forward in their fitness with a greater understanding of their bodies and how they work. Encouraging commitment to reach long term benefits. 

I am also a certified PiYO instructor and teach live classes locally with a more comprehensive class approach to celebrate all levels of health and fitness, and modify as needed and emphasize form, control and most of all, empowerment.

I have a wonderful husband and two amazing teenage daughters and I have every intention on savoring the bright future ahead that we can enjoy together!

Learn More About Fitness Baker Coaching
If you're ready to find joy in good health,

Take the first step with me.

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