Good health isn't measured by dress size

It's time to kick restrictive dieting and daily weigh-ins to the curb. 
✨You can be happy AND healthy.
✨You CAN find joy in exercise & cooking
✨You CAN make your cake and eat it too

Life is too sweet to give up dessert. I won't tell you that finding balance is easy - but it can be done and it IS sustainable. Hide your scale, grab your sneakers and let's get started! 

Join Fitness Baker Coaching

Good health isn't measured by dress size

It's time to kick restrictive dieting and daily weigh-ins to the curb. 
✨You can be happy AND healthy.
✨You CAN find joy in exercise & cooking
✨You CAN make your cake and eat it too

Life is too sweet to give up dessert. I won't tell you that finding balance is easy - but it can be done and it IS sustainable. Hide your scale, grab your sneakers and let's get started! 

Join me for my Make Your Cake and Eat It Too webinar!
First things first...let's bust a health myth

I bake every week.

It's true! The scent of fresh baked cookies fills my home with joy, brings my family together, and puts a smile on both my daughters' faces. As a fitness professional in a world consumed with diet culture myths, I'm here to tell you:
Unless it's a medical necessity, you do NOT need to give up food in order to be fit.

In fact, allowing yourself to ENJOY baking could actually be the key to you sticking to your goals. 

“I was only walking for exercise before I started working with Marcie. She has made exercising enjoyable and fun, but she also challenges me. I am so much stronger now and not only do I attend PiYO classes regularly, I am exercising 5 days a week. I feel fit and live a balanced, healthy lifestyle. I still love to eat food that I love and Marcie makes the best chocolate chip cookies.”

-Lynda, Charlton, MA

This is what good health looks like

“Since I have been working with Marcie and attending her PiYO classes, I feel so much better. I feel stronger. I even sleep better. It’s amazing. I just get into bed and I feel like all my stress goes away. Marcie is motivating and always encourages me to do my best. I never like to miss class with her.”

-Michelle, Charlton, MA

Need A Little Time For You?

How many times have you thought, "I just don't have time to workout!"

Give yourself the gift of letting go of expectations that don't match your lifestyle. Because the truth is that just 5 minutes a day can make a WORLD of difference to your health. Join me in my new Fitness Baker Coaching program, where we'll focus on building the three pillars of good health: nutrition, movement, and mindset.

Learn More

I'm Marcie, the Fitness Baker!

This photo captured the moment I finally ✨knew✨ how my business would serve others. Living a balanced life with my nutrition, consistent exercise, and a rock solid mindset has allowed me to enjoy life to the fullest with no intention of slowing down. I'm a runner, a practicing physical therapist for over 20 years, and I LOVE to bake. If there's one thing I've noticed the most in my patients, it's how easily they limit themselves by thinking that they can't have it all. 

Fitness Baker was established to not only show you that you can have it all but how to have it all. The key is to find the right recipe for balance that equals joy for you. 

I strongly believe that good health is not gifted to anyone, but a goal that all should strive for.
Read About My Fitness Journey

“Marcie has been my biggest supporter, cheerleader and advocate in my personal and professional life. She pushes me to be a better version of myself! 💞u”

-Mary, Oxford, MA

Good health is for any age!

“As I approached my 70th birthday, I had noticed that I was losing leg strength and had some balance issues. I told Marcie about this and she assured me that since I had no medical issues that with some exercises that I could regain that strength and balance. With her help, she has motivated me with her cheerful fun personality and knowledge of fitness and exercise.”

-MaryLee, Ocala, FL
Want a balanced, healthy, joyful life?

Here's the recipe:

Stop Restricting

No carb/low carb is no way to live. Life is full of celebrations and blessings. When you restrict yourself from enjoying them, you're missing out on joy! By living a balanced life, you negate the need for restriction. Making your cake and eating it too starts here. 

Focus on joy

If you're constantly doing things you don't enjoy, you'll likely never build the habits you know could make your life even better. Hate burpees? Dread going for a jog? Let's find something you will love while creating a sustainable foundation. 

Shift your perspective

Good health isn't measured by dress size. When we stop focusing on the scale, we're able to truly see what a gift we've been given. Small changes create positive habits that lead to big impact. 

You have to start somewhere.

If you struggle with being consistent, finding motivation, or just knowing where to start, FitnessBaker Coaching is for you. Join my monthly subscription program to build positive habits and a better YOU.

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From The Blog

Small, manageable changes create big habits with long term benefits

When it Comes to Exercise, What Counts?

Apr 02, 2024

Recovery and the Ups and Downs of Health

Jun 12, 2020

Do You Need to Drink Water and How Much

Jun 11, 2020

Fitness Baker Newsletter

What does it take to live a balanced, joyful life?

If you're struggling to find the time to do all the things, sign up for my newsletter.

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