Do You Need to Drink Water and How Much

There are so many options when it comes to water and everywhere you look someone is holding a bottle of water.

Is this just a fashion statement now?  Does it give you bragging rights?

So the question is, do we really need to drink water as a priority?

As a PT and advocate for your health, this is an absolute YES.

How you choose to drink it, is up to you.  You really don't need to invest huge amounts of money as the choices only offer different tastes, not really much difference with the benefits.

The major health benefits are all the same, as long as your water is clean.

I found this youtube video super informational and helpful regarding testing of 10 brands of water contaminants, ph, and sodium.  Watch this 10 minute video here for more information


Despite the medication recommendation, I am relieved to tell you that I we have found that the BEST TREATMENT for this procedure has been plain ole WATER!

In this blog post, I will tell you some benefits but I wanted to share this with you as well.

The Healing Power of Water You Might Not Know | The Food Hotlist


We were told from the "get go" the HYDRATION was a key component to healing.

You can imagine how raw and awful your throat and nasopharangeal tissue feels after basically being burned and sloughed off? OUCH! !...sorry TMI?

Hydrating allows for the tissue to be more flexible and resilient which offers better tolerance to surgery and promotes healing once the surgery is completed.

I had my daughter, Jaina, drink additional amounts of water on Monday in preparation for her procedure yesterday and I am so pleased to tell you that she is sleepy, it hurts her to swallow, but she is progressing well with lots of fluids, and a balance of the ibuprofen and the tylenol which I reviewed yesterday.

Again my point in all of this is to certainly educate you IF you are planning any upcoming medical procedures or surgeries.  


I certainly feel that emphasizing the importance of hydrating yourself, especially in the upcoming months..ALL WILL BENEFIT FROM  THIS INFORMATION

I can hear you...."OK, Marcie....lay it on me!  Tell me what I need to know!"

Awesome!  Here we go!

Hydrating implies ingesting liquids.  Do ALL liquids count?

Kind of...(how's that for an answer).... WATER is the absolute best. Preferably not carbonated water either even though that can be a refreshing choice, but to hydrate effectively WATER is absorbed into your system the most efficiently.


It is recommended to drink half of your body weight in ounces.  I have found this amount of water to be easy to drink throughout the day and your body adjusts to any increase in your water consumption, so don't worry, you won't be "peeing like a racehorse" constantly.  Your body will absorb it like a sponge and give you all the wonderful benefits like

  • Increase energy
  • Improved circulation
  • Satisfies your hunger cravings by making you feel full
  • Clear skin and complexion
  • Decreased pain
  • Improved joint mobility
  • And most recently proven...INCREASED HEALING and promotes recovery from a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy...or any surgery for that matter.

I LOVE this recommendations for OUNCES instead of GLASSES of water.  GLASS SIZES are too variable.  I would have elderly patients who resisted drinking 6-8 glasses of water a day.  When I would educate them on the benefits of drinking water, they finally agreed.  At the next visit, they said proudly "I DRANK MY EIGHT GLASSES OF WATER!"  I would be so please until the JUICE GLASS was staring at me like a confession, on the side of the counter?!, a juice glass does not count as a serving of water.

I tell you all of this not to NAG YOU, but to let you know what is going to HELP YOU

If you are going to implement change, I want to be sure I give you all the details to offer you the best result.

So this summer and throughout the year, be aware of your water intake. It can make a huge difference in all of your systems, especially when any pathology or surgery is in the picture.

Don't worry!  You will not be running to the bathroom every 5 seconds swearing my name because you are trying to stay hydrated.  Yes, there will be a transitional period, but I promise your body will adjust and your body will be an efficient, fabulous, cleansing machine.

So, Cheers to you!

Take a peek at this too...A great summary to get even more info.  I thought the "look at your urine color" in the upper right box was a good tip as well.

Remember, if you already feel thirsty.  You are already slightly dehydrated.  Monitor your urine color and see where you rank!

I'm competitive so this would get me drinking!  Palest color WINS!!

Take the best care of you!




Marcie Weber: Founder of and her 12 Week Signature Program "Get Fit and Feel Fabulous Now."  Marcie has been a practicing physical therapist for over 20 years. She has practiced in multiple settings from outpatient to early intervention. She continues to have a passion for athletics and continues to be an active runner and is a certified PiYO Instructor.  Marcie strongly believes that good health is not gifted to anyone, but a goal that all should strive for.  She is married to her wonderful husband and a mother to two amazing daughters.  Living a balanced life with my nutrition, consistent exercise, and a rock solid mindset has allowed her to enjoy life at the age of 47 with no intention of slowing down.  Marcie's approach to this lifestyle has help countless patients and clients to live life with habits that bring long term results,  endless energy, joy and happiness.

To connect with her about learning more, she would LOVE to receive an email from you at [email protected] 


Good health isn't measured by your dress size

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