Don't Forget The Chocolate Chips!

I am happily on a "baked good exchange" with a friend.  We take turns sending along a little goodie bag to each other on random days. 

Isn't that awesome?!

I highly recommend it!  It gives you a little boost mentally and physically when you need it most.  A little package waiting outside your door when you least expect it. 

It is the best!

Bag GIFs | Tenor

Well, today, I tested out a muffin recipe that I was playing around with.  I sent it along and told her how many healthy ingredients I added to the batter.....oats, chia seeds, and greek yogurt.  I even topped a few with chopped apples, cinnamon sugar pumpkin seeds, and you guessed it......chocolate chips.

I told her my secret to having my kids eat almost anything I make despite the high content of healthy ingredients was always adding chocolate chips.

Chocolate chips can brighten up any recipe and can camouflage just about any healthy ingredient that your children, husband, friend always dread.  Most everyone looks for the full fat, white bleached flour and sugar muffin....but there is hope and plenty of examples I can give you where I have played a devious role to "healthify" a recipe and it has nearly gone undetected.

When you throw a cup full of chocolate chips in muffins, pancakes, trail mix, granola bars, what is the bite that makes you smile the most??? know it to be true.  That is the part you look forward to the most.

Raining Chocolate Chip Sticker by Chip New York City for iOS ...

Favorite and most popular cookie of all time? 

Chocolate Chip!

Is it the batter that makes the magic...well, maybe that's not a good example, cookie dough does rock, but it's the chocolate chips that really make the cookie shine to make it irresistible.

Well, you know I am the FitnessBaker and many assume I may not sing to the tune of chocolate chip cookies.  Honestly, that's WHY I consider myself the FitnessBaker.

I have enjoyed baked goods my whole life.  My Mom cooked and baked from home.  Sure, I had Ding Dongs, Devil Dogs, and hmmmmm, what were those other ones called with the peanutbutter filling?....oh right, Funny Bones!

However, my approach is to balance it out.  Take decadence and trade it for some extra accountability with exercise. 

Enjoy the decadence, but occasionally try taking out a little bit of the fat and add in something that will give your body some extra nutrition, like canned pumpkin for butter.  You know that is one of my favorite brownie recipes.

However, the other aspect to my approach as the FitnessBaker is not just living a life of physical health, but also mental and spiritual health.

What if you approached your day looking for the "chocolate chips?"

Your relationships, your random interactions with people, tasks at your job, co-worker, and even when bad situations arise.

There are always reasons to get upset, to get mad, to get frustrated or depressed.

Amongst the icky things that happen, there are always going to be bright moments that bring peace, inspiration and new opportunity when you least expect it.

Don't let the the news or events that you can't control upset you too long.  Don't let that driver that cut you off at the last minute when the right lane was closing in 1 mile tick you off for too long.

Take a deep breath.  Be the solution.  Be the example.

There is always a "chocolate chip" moment that will bring out the best in you.

"Be the Chocolate Chip"


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Marcie Weber: Founder of and her 12 Week Signature Program "Get Fit and Feel Fabulous Now."  Marcie has been a practicing physical therapist for over 20 years. She has practiced in multiple settings from outpatient to early intervention. She continues to have a passion for athletics and continues to be an active runner and is a certified PiYO Instructor.  Marcie strongly believes that good health is not gifted to anyone, but a goal that all should strive for.  She is married to her wonderful husband and a mother to two amazing daughters.  Living a balanced life with my nutrition, consistent exercise, and a rock solid mindset has allowed her to enjoy life at the age of 45 with no intention of slowing down.  Marcie's approach to this lifestyle has help countless patients and clients to live life with habits that bring long term results and endless energy and happiness.

To connect with her about learning more, she would LOVE to receive an email from you at [email protected] 







Good health isn't measured by your dress size

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