Life is sweeter with honey

White sugar, brown sugar, coconut palm sugar, stevia, maple syrup, cane sugar, confectionary sugar, agave nectar.  The list of sweeteners goes on and on.

What's good, what's bad, and what's ugly?  Do avoid sugar all together?

Over the years, I have to tell you I have used many of these items as it is what is recommended in a cake recipe.  I have tried to use alternative sweeteners like agave, maple syrup and coconut palm sugar to try and make a recipe a little bit healthier.  Those three are from natural sources and not as processed which allows them to have more nutritional value.  Coconut palm sugar and agave are lower on the glycemic index and may have a lesser effect on your metabolism.

The more research I have done recently has me convinced, hands down, your best option is honey.

Now, baking with honey is a bit complicated since honey is a liquid and most recipes call for a solid sweetener like sugar, so my recommendations will be provided in another blog as it needs it's own to really be clear.  So, when you are starting to use honey, I recommend keeping it simple as you will be able to start quickly to take advantage of it's nutritional properties and not just a use to sweeten your food items.


In addition, honey is the only food on the planet that will not spoil or rot.  It may solidify over time but can be re-liquefied when placing the jar in in warm water with the lid on. Just don't boil it as that will kill all the natural enzymes and many of the benefits of this liquid gold.

Honey can be used to drizzle over yogurt or oatmeal.  Add it in your smoothie.  Use it to make a salad dressing or add it to your mustard to make your own honey mustard instead of a store bought, preservative laden, high fructose corn syrup one.

Make your own longevity tea by boiling 3 cups of water.  Add 4 spoonfuls of honey and one spoonful of cinnamon.   Stir well until combined.  Drink 1/4 cup 3-4 times per day.  This improves your energy,  your skin, and combining honey and cinnamon will cure and prevent many diseases.

Most sweeteners just add empty calories to your food  items and believe it or not, can be toxic to you.  Life is sweet and you deserve to enjoy it.  Why not get some nutrition out of it too.

Again, don't try to start baking items with honey yet.  I am still working on that myself.  Until then, start with some of the suggestions I gave you.

If you have any other uses, recommendations or recipes to share using honey with me.  Please do!  I would love it and will share it with others.

I hope your day is sweet!

Love and Health,


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