Taking Action

For years now, I have been working on an idea for promoting a life of balance.

Yes, I work out regularly and enjoy it.  I like to bake and honestly, being in the kitchen baking by myself, with my kids or with my Mom, there is no place I would rather be.  I love creating something homemade and spending the time to create something that either I love to eat to giving it to someone that that I know will love it.

Baking is special.  When someone is born, someone passes away, someone is sad or happy.  What do people do?  They bring food.  Food is comforting.  There is no need to give it up.  It is just important to know what is healthy and what isn't.  Life should be enjoyable, filled with opportunity, and hopefully long if you play your cards right to be in your favor.

There is responsibility and this is where I feel I come in. 

I have been fortunate to be healthy and active.  I rarely get sick but I put in the time to be conscious of what I eat and how much I exercise.  That is all it is.  You just have to be consistent and have direction.  My dream has been to help others lives the lifestyle that I have committed to and promote that in the from of my own business.  Thus, The FitnessBaker idea was born.

Fast forward to nearly two years later.  Money has been spent taking online courses, buying  equipment, reading books, writing down ideas, and doing a lot of talking. (I am good at that!)  I have always carried this dream, passion and mission in my head and hoped it would come true. 

The key word hope will get you into trouble.  I have worked hard but have let so many things get in the way.  I have no excuses and no regrets now as I think we all learn from our mistakes.

In March , my family and I went away for a long weekend to Cape Cod.  I was talking to my very patient husband, telling him idea #1076.  He said, "Just Do It."  It was not mean and will no ill will, but just direct.  It was at that moment.  It hit me like a ton of bricks.  You know, I AM going to JUST DO IT.

I am incredibly happy to say that I am 3 nights away from my first LIVE event and online website launch!  I am exhausted, excited, nervous, proud and certainly a bit scared.  I have put 100% forward to take action on something I have really just dreamt about for so long now.

It feels good to be productive, to feel that I am on the cusp of something special, something that comes from my heart, and something that will make a difference in the lives of others.

I believe we all have gifts and passion to share.  Our lifestyle and our schedules lull us to sleep in routine and obligation.  There is no doubt time spent taking care of our families and being financially responsible is no waste of time.  It is a necessity.  However, when you feel that you are not functioning at your best.  You feel run down, frustrated with of parts of your life. 

Decide to make a change.  Resolve to find a way to find time to put forth energy that will create something special that only you can offer the world.

Tomorrow is never a guarantee.  Make today count and TAKE ACTION.


Good health isn't measured by your dress size

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