So Neo, The Red or the Blue? There is always a choice.

It's too late or it's too early

I'm busy.

I will start tomorrow.

We are guilty of saying all of the above statements at one time.

Thankfully we do not always fall victim to them.

Whether it is related to our exercise program, nutrition plan, stress management, organization, or procrastination.  It is always easier to put it off and deal with it later.

Human beings are the only species on this planet that have the power of choice

I read a book once, probably a Darren Hardy one, and the statement was, "How tall does a tree grow?'  "As tall as it can." 

Plants, animals, insects all have an innate sense of what they need to do to survive.  There is no choice.  It is live or die. 

We are allowed to become complacent and lazy.

Do we mean to?  Of course not.

We all want to live long, healthy lives.  To be proud, energetic, and loved by others.

It is not necessarily our intention to be lazy.  It just happens.

One day into another habits seep into our lives giving us opportunity to sit on the couch instead of taking a walk.  Scoping out mindless chatter on Facebook instead of striking up conversation with a stranger while waiting for your morning coffee.

Becoming your best self takes work.

It is a choice.

My life, like many others, is  a schedule that always fills itself to the brim with lots of chances to bag on responsibility.  Thankfully, I have trained myself to make choices based on habits that I established long ago centered around fitness and good nutrition.

Sure I indulge, have fun, enjoy wine.  But it is a choice that I make knowing I need to be responsible for what I do.

In my life as a practicing physical therapist, I am sadly reminded a long life is not just something that is handed to you.  It is something that you must work for and fight for.

Chronic illness and pain are far worse to manage, then finding time in your schedule to exercise 15-30 minutes a day or to plan and prepare a delicious homemade meal for your family to enjoy at the table instead of ordering fast food or takeout.

Choice influences your destiny.

Are you destined to be unhappy, overweight, in pain, unproductive, overwhelmed?


Empowered, Happy, Energetic, Kind Spirited, Positive and what I consider....HEALTHY!

It is work.  I know it is.

Your birth is your gift. 

What you do with it is your choice. 

So what are you going to do?

Make a choice to change at least one bad habit today

Choose to do something that puts you on a path that drives you not just to survive, but thrive.

Let's try to make that "Road Less Traveled" a little more congested.

Here's a new day that brings choices for great opportunity!



Good health isn't measured by your dress size

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